
Have a PhD in engineering, never got a job offer in 1.5 years of searching

I have 3 engineering degrees, done an insane amount of research/volunteering/mentoring/etc. I’ve never been top of the class, but I don’t slack off on my work either. Plus I’m also a WOC so I’ve always felt like I had to try 4 times harder to get 1/4th the credit. I started interviewing for jobs in my field in biotech in Jan 2021. I got maybe close 3 different times and every time, I was passed over. My mom thinks it’s because the hiring managers were worried that I’d be going for their jobs. (She’s probably right, I’d want to go up the office hierarchy because I’m a pretty ambitious person.) It got to the point where my mental health was horrible. I’d go through periods where I felt stupid, useless, and felt like I wasted my time trying to be perfect. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the…

I have 3 engineering degrees, done an insane amount of research/volunteering/mentoring/etc. I’ve never been top of the class, but I don’t slack off on my work either. Plus I’m also a WOC so I’ve always felt like I had to try 4 times harder to get 1/4th the credit.

I started interviewing for jobs in my field in biotech in Jan 2021. I got maybe close 3 different times and every time, I was passed over. My mom thinks it’s because the hiring managers were worried that I’d be going for their jobs. (She’s probably right, I’d want to go up the office hierarchy because I’m a pretty ambitious person.)

It got to the point where my mental health was horrible. I’d go through periods where I felt stupid, useless, and felt like I wasted my time trying to be perfect. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the stupidest rejection I’ve ever heard for a post doc position I applied to. The professor said that they felt like I wouldn’t get down into the weeds enough and know everything about everything so I wouldn’t be a good fit. The most condescending reason that I’ve ever heard.

After that, I said fuck it and bye Felicia to the biotech world. I’m going for my chemistry teaching license in my state now. I’m happier than I’ve ever been and my mental health is so much better.

Education will get you the opportunities but it’s definitely not enough. Especially for minorities like me.

Rant done, sorry for the long post.

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