
I need 3rd party perspective

I've been working for a company now for 14 years same location. I'm a skilled laborer a “master” due to my many years of experience. It takes 10 years of training for a person to be considered no longer an apprentice. 3 years ago the company was sold to a larger company. During the sale the corporate automatons known as the higher ups came in and had a one on one with the employees who had been purchased in the sale. The corporate automatons did their best real human impressions and assured those of us who had been sold to them that nothing would be changing and that we were to continue to operate as we always had only under a new owner. As a side this was during the height of covid pandemic and sales were down substantially. Almost immediately things changed. They were upset that sales were not…

I've been working for a company now for 14 years same location. I'm a skilled laborer a “master” due to my many years of experience. It takes 10 years of training for a person to be considered no longer an apprentice. 3 years ago the company was sold to a larger company. During the sale the corporate automatons known as the higher ups came in and had a one on one with the employees who had been purchased in the sale. The corporate automatons did their best real human impressions and assured those of us who had been sold to them that nothing would be changing and that we were to continue to operate as we always had only under a new owner.

As a side this was during the height of covid pandemic and sales were down substantially.

Almost immediately things changed. They were upset that sales were not up but did nothing to change that where they had the resources to do that. Instead opted to blame regular laborers and a great manager for the lack of sales. Keep in mind in this business a sales person is a necessity. They did not feel it was. Flash forward to now of the 5 employees sold with the company myself and one other remains. We have been doing the work of two people for 1/2 a person's pay so that the company can make record profits. This includes mountains of extra work and long distance travel on a whim where that was previously not a prerequisite to the job. As of 5 months ago a guy I trained with 5 years experience was made my supervisor. He worked at the “main office” where the automatons are based. Aside from me training him and him having way less experience than me he also can barely read. There's nothing inherently wrong with that and I don't think it's fair to ridicule him for that but here's the thing I can read so I can't comprehend why they would make him my supervisor. On top of that he smokes a blunt at work every single day without fail. Again nothing wrong with smoking weed but I personally do not think it's wise or supervisor behavior to smoke weed at a job that could kill you. To top it off he has done things in front of me and the other employee who recently quit that we've never seen anyone in this line of work do. Not in a it's good and efficient way but in a I don't think he's ever done this job before and he's going to get himself or someone else hurt kind of way. I have to constantly hear him second guess me or tell me that I don't know how to do things or pointing out how to do things that I've been doing for over a decade meanwhile he does stuff that blows my mind how wrong and dangerous it is. Just constantly flexing his authority over me.

All of this to ask should I quit? I have put a lot of time into this and this location. I got 3 wks vacay 401 k I'm 4 minutes from home guaranteed weekends off and some other benefits that have kept me here. Everyday I have to fight the urge to quit on the spot. He says he's trying to transfer to another location and part of me wants to wait it out but the other part of me is so insulted that the company made him my supervisor at all that I want to quit because I hate the company. I need the money from this and the time I've invested into it would have been a waste if I quit now. But it's driving me insane everyday I come to work. Any advice is appreciated.

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