
Reviewing resumes for a position I wanted

There's a position the bosses knew I had been angling for. I am eminently qualified for the position, and have even been in similar positions in the past. Instead I wasn't allowed to apply for it, and now they're making me review resumes of applicants for the position. The problem is, they like me where I am now. As the boss once said “I need you hands on keyboard”. Too good to get promoted I guess. I'm so done. Been acting my wage for a while now. I go to Defcon in Vegas in a couple of days. Here's to hoping I can leave Vegas with a new job. In the mean time, I'm supposed to complete this review before I leave. It's soul crushing to see how much better qualified I am for the new role, and then be stuck where I am.

There's a position the bosses knew I had been angling for. I am eminently qualified for the position, and have even been in similar positions in the past.

Instead I wasn't allowed to apply for it, and now they're making me review resumes of applicants for the position.

The problem is, they like me where I am now. As the boss once said “I need you hands on keyboard”. Too good to get promoted I guess.

I'm so done. Been acting my wage for a while now. I go to Defcon in Vegas in a couple of days. Here's to hoping I can leave Vegas with a new job.

In the mean time, I'm supposed to complete this review before I leave. It's soul crushing to see how much better qualified I am for the new role, and then be stuck where I am.

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