
Employer Changed my Timesheet

I work at a restaurant and after each shift the computer prints out a hour verification sheet. My total hours worked for the week looked low and when I got home I found some of my time tickets from earlier this week that proved the hours were not adding up. I plan on talking to my bosses today and getting my timesheet fixed but am worried since the only way this could have happened is if one of the managers went in and manually lowered my hours worked. I’m also obviously concerned if this has happened before without me noticing or will happen in the future. Is there any information I need to know or questions I should ask my bosses?

I work at a restaurant and after each shift the computer prints out a hour verification sheet. My total hours worked for the week looked low and when I got home I found some of my time tickets from earlier this week that proved the hours were not adding up. I plan on talking to my bosses today and getting my timesheet fixed but am worried since the only way this could have happened is if one of the managers went in and manually lowered my hours worked. I’m also obviously concerned if this has happened before without me noticing or will happen in the future. Is there any information I need to know or questions I should ask my bosses?

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