
Is it normal to have supervisors reach out weeks after you quit?

I worked at this company for almost 5 years, and the last 3 were awful. I was sexually harassed and assaulted by multiple coworkers, verbally abused by my supervisor almost every day, underpaid, overworked, etc. (I now have PTSD from everything I experienced). I could write a novel on everything they put me through. I put my 2 weeks in and my last day was almost a month ago. I am still being scolded and harassed by my former supervisor about things I shouldn’t have taken, things she thinks I still have, etc. (My company publishes a magazine monthly, I took all the magazines I worked on with me, she claimed they are company property and that I’d have to bring them back but the handbook says no such thing.) She just texted me today accusing me of not turning in my mouse and a power cord. I don’t have…

I worked at this company for almost 5 years, and the last 3 were awful. I was sexually harassed and assaulted by multiple coworkers, verbally abused by my supervisor almost every day, underpaid, overworked, etc. (I now have PTSD from everything I experienced). I could write a novel on everything they put me through.

I put my 2 weeks in and my last day was almost a month ago. I am still being scolded and harassed by my former supervisor about things I shouldn’t have taken, things she thinks I still have, etc. (My company publishes a magazine monthly, I took all the magazines I worked on with me, she claimed they are company property and that I’d have to bring them back but the handbook says no such thing.) She just texted me today accusing me of not turning in my mouse and a power cord. I don’t have their mouse, which I told her on my last day, and when I told her I was shipping the power cord through UPS, she questioned why I wouldn’t just drop it off because it would be faster.

During my last 2 weeks, both my supervisors ignored me and acted like I didn’t exist. I gave them plenty of time to get all their ducks in a row, so I feel like this is absurd. I just want to be left alone so I can heal and move on.

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