
“lead” can’t help but add a little passive aggressive micromanagment into my request to not be micromanaged.

There's a backstory that's not terribly important. I requested from my lead earlier: “Please don't take offense to this, but please don't micromanage me” close out the chat and go get some lunch. I get back from lunch to see a reply “10-4 (see how easy that was)”. A message that didn't need a reply to, they decided to add a reply and some passive agressive bullshit to go with it. ​ For reference I've been working here for almost 8 years, I've never had to explicitly say “Please stop doing that” because I'm damn good at my job and my previous managers were as well.

There's a backstory that's not terribly important. I requested from my lead earlier: “Please don't take offense to this, but please don't micromanage me” close out the chat and go get some lunch. I get back from lunch to see a reply “10-4 (see how easy that was)”. A message that didn't need a reply to, they decided to add a reply and some passive agressive bullshit to go with it.

For reference I've been working here for almost 8 years, I've never had to explicitly say “Please stop doing that” because I'm damn good at my job and my previous managers were as well.

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