
Boss promotes girl who is fucking/dating her supervisor son. Girl is also a supervisor now, living with the boss and her son/boyfriend. Is this legal? It’s definitely not moral.

Mind you, this boss has a reputation for hiring people that she’s socially close with and only women (personally, i don’t have a problem with that as I’m not trying to advance in this job) This girl has only been working there for about eight months and is not nearly qualified. There was a two week period where she disappeared to go work at another branch. (This is a major chain, not some family run business) During those two weeks she got a crash course in supervisor training. When she came back we all learned of this new promotion. Then we found out about the relationship and her living with the boss. She even catches rides with the boss now since her babies dad took away the car she was driving. None of this really bothered me. It is fucked up for sure. But the power went straight to this…

Mind you, this boss has a reputation for hiring people that she’s socially close with and only women (personally, i don’t have a problem with that as I’m not trying to advance in this job)

This girl has only been working there for about eight months and is not nearly qualified. There was a two week period where she disappeared to go work at another branch. (This is a major chain, not some family run business) During those two weeks she got a crash course in supervisor training. When she came back we all learned of this new promotion. Then we found out about the relationship and her living with the boss. She even catches rides with the boss now since her babies dad took away the car she was driving.

None of this really bothered me. It is fucked up for sure. But the power went straight to this girls head and she’s treating everyone like shit. Being very unprofessional, rude/demanding of her new subordinates. She used to get along with all of us when we were equals for the most part. Now she’s always got her bitch face on and only smiles and engage in conversation with the other supervisors. Basically being a bitch on a rampage with the protection of her new mommy in Law. It’s like she’s mad at us for discovering the truth of how she got this promotion and is exacting vengeance every day at every chance she gets. All the other supervisors are professional and pleasant. Always asking us to do things, never demanding of us, even though they could. Not this one, I am blown away by how much she changed. Like I’m surprised that that was in her all this time. That she was capable of the acting like this.

Today she basically told my coworkers and I (like we were her grade school children) that we weren’t allowed to talk until the job was done. To which I replied “fuck that, who tf are you?”

We went back-and-forth, basically her scoffing at me calling her out on how she’s been acting and how she got her position. I feel like she started it, by nicely asking us to all shut the fuck up. Again, it’s not because of this one incident it’s everything else that led up to it that had me speaking my mind when no one else would, at least out in the open.

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