
Boss gave me a bad observation for something she wasn’t there for, and I’m getting another written warning for stuff I didn’t do.

Last year our god send of a manager left, and we got thrown into the hands of a woman in her 20s who hadn’t worked for over a year. To say this past year has been absolute hell is an overstatement. We are currently working on sending her up the road, but it’s taking its time and I’m beyond fed up of her. It’s like a toddler who has never been parented for a day in its life. Genuinely, I could pull my hair out with how frustrated a single four hour shift has made me. So, I’m doing a training course all day, and I’m sitting on my laptop making notes. An important dude is here, and he’s upset that a locked door we have is on the latch. Manager put it on the latch, as the lock was put in when she was off, and she can’t remember…

Last year our god send of a manager left, and we got thrown into the hands of a woman in her 20s who hadn’t worked for over a year. To say this past year has been absolute hell is an overstatement. We are currently working on sending her up the road, but it’s taking its time and I’m beyond fed up of her.

It’s like a toddler who has never been parented for a day in its life. Genuinely, I could pull my hair out with how frustrated a single four hour shift has made me.

So, I’m doing a training course all day, and I’m sitting on my laptop making notes. An important dude is here, and he’s upset that a locked door we have is on the latch. Manager put it on the latch, as the lock was put in when she was off, and she can’t remember the code.

I get a break from my training, the place is busy so I rush out to help a bit in the short 15 minutes I have. Not once did I open, close, or go near a safe. About 10 minutes into this interaction, she arrives and walks straight past me into her office (where she usually spends most of her day scrolling on Instagram) and finds the important guy. Oh no! Now she has to pretend to work. She gets scolded about the door, but she puts the blame onto someone else.

She then comes out, says that she’ll take over, and sends me back to my training. I finish my training up, and go home.

I’m home for an hour when I get an email, oh cool, a report. In notice it is for the 5 minute interaction I had earlier in the day. This entire report is saying I missed and didn’t do stuff, and that I basically was shit at my job. Now, I don’t know how the fuck she’s writing this, because she didn’t witness the interaction. She’s mad I didn’t check certain stuff, because the people I were dealing with told me themselves as they’d already researched it. Now I have bad stuff on my file, for something she took over & was not present for. It’s not like the entire point of the review is you’re meant to fucking observe it! Brilliant.

Then, as if this day wasn’t a headache enough, few hours later the dude I was working with says both of us are getting written warnings for leaving a safe open. I’m gonna admit, this part is where I end up being a complete dick, but I’m just so completely done with this woman that I just simply do not care anymore. I told him that it was completely on him, and that I was not accepting yet another written warning for something that I have not done. I was doing training, and it is not my responsibility to close a safe that someone else has left lying open behind them whilst I am not actively doing my job. I currently have two other written warnings for actions that I have not done. Literally, I have a written warning for another colleague typing in and submitting something wrong. I argued with her about it, but it’s just another way for her to fire people. The other one I have is for a supervisor telling me how to do something, but what they told me was wrong. Again, I didn’t see that as my fault because I was new to my job and asked a management member of staff what to do. But hey ho. So now I get one for not closing a safe I didn’t open, or wasn’t near. During open hours too.

I once opened our store after she closed the night before, and she’d actually left the safes open overnight so I would LOVE to see her own written warning. She’s literally meant to talk to you about a mistake, and if you do it again then issue a written warning. She does not do this.

I’m so fed up of it, I know this job has really good potential with a good manager, but I really don’t think I can stick it out much longer. She makes the place so, so, so, awful. My work schedule literally revolves around when she goes to the gym. I hate it here

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