
Help- company hired an liar with a criminal record who completely lied about his background but owner won’t listen

So I used to work for a company owned by a very prominent family in the Cincinnati area. I won't drop the name but it's a gas station that also makes ice cream. Anyway, several months ago, they hired a new guy as VP of manufacturing and sent out an introductory email where it stated he was from Kentucky but spent the last 17 years working in the Netherlands but wanted to “come home” so he accepted this job and returned to KY. Very soon after meeting this man, I realized he was VERY unintelligent. My 5 year old had better grammar and spelling than his emailes did. Everyone in the company immediately started questioning his competence and trying to figure out what his deal was. We researched his alleged company in the Netherlands that he worked for, didn't exist. We also found a very extensive criminal record under his…

So I used to work for a company owned by a very prominent family in the Cincinnati area. I won't drop the name but it's a gas station that also makes ice cream. Anyway, several months ago, they hired a new guy as VP of manufacturing and sent out an introductory email where it stated he was from Kentucky but spent the last 17 years working in the Netherlands but wanted to “come home” so he accepted this job and returned to KY.

Very soon after meeting this man, I realized he was VERY unintelligent. My 5 year old had better grammar and spelling than his emailes did. Everyone in the company immediately started questioning his competence and trying to figure out what his deal was. We researched his alleged company in the Netherlands that he worked for, didn't exist. We also found a very extensive criminal record under his legal name (he goes by his middle name so people couldn't look him up I guess). We found multiple mug shots so we know it's him. All his charges were from Indiana over the last 3 years.

He also told some people he used to be a cop, others he used to be a pilot. He said his sister owns Google. He told some people he was from Michigan, others Canada. It was so obvious he was just a liar. It seemed like everyone very quickly realized he was an idiot and we figured it wouldn't be long before he got fired.

Then he started having issues with people. Anyone who questioned his authority or complained to the owner, got fired. I'm talking people who had dedicated over 30 years at this company we're fired for seemingly no reason except bc this guy didn't like them. When people brought up his lies and criminal record to the owner, he asked this guy about it and this guy swears it wasn't him…and the owner believed him for some reason.

Flash forward 8 months and he has literally fired everyone underneath him and hired random people he knows. They all seem incompetent. I had a really good reputation at this company and the stress from being around this drama really messed with me mentally, I had to go back on anto anxiety medication. So I quit and I told everyone I was quitting soley because of this guy. Everyone agreed and asked me to express my concerns to the CEO and HR and I did and even they agreed that this guy was “weird” but he is still there….acting the same.

Anyway, I got out but I am mostly just confused on how this could happen. I feel bad for the people still there. It is a hostile work environment. Not to mention he is literally running the company into the ground. He has no idea what he is doing. If he wasn't so dumb I would assume he fired everyone and is working with these new guys to steal money from the company or something but I know he is not smart enough for that.

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