
Seeing a trend?

US Corporate Profits hit record highs not seen since the 1950s. Oil Industry Profits highest in 115 years. Meat Packing Profits reach 300% of pre-pandemic records. Egg Producers Profits up 65% in less than 1 year….. Still minimum wage cannot support a single person living alone in today's economy. No Maternity Leave. No Mandatory Minimum Vacation. Do you make $40,125 annually? Enjoy that 22% income tax rate on top of the 15.3% social security tax you'll never get to use. All while multibillion dollar corporations pay just 21%. A figure that has gone unchanged since 2017, where it went down from 38%. When the fuck are we going to say enough is enough and stop crying about corrupt politicians for making this happen and start taking it to the front doors of the corporate shareholders who are paying them to do this? Why are we not in the streets, tearing…

US Corporate Profits hit record highs not seen since the 1950s. Oil Industry Profits highest in 115 years. Meat Packing Profits reach 300% of pre-pandemic records. Egg Producers Profits up 65% in less than 1 year…..

Still minimum wage cannot support a single person living alone in today's economy. No Maternity Leave. No Mandatory Minimum Vacation. Do you make $40,125 annually? Enjoy that 22% income tax rate on top of the 15.3% social security tax you'll never get to use. All while multibillion dollar corporations pay just 21%. A figure that has gone unchanged since 2017, where it went down from 38%.

When the fuck are we going to say enough is enough and stop crying about corrupt politicians for making this happen and start taking it to the front doors of the corporate shareholders who are paying them to do this? Why are we not in the streets, tearing down this tyranny of profit that has impoverished the very people that are the heartbeat of this once noble country? Do you know that if you go out there, I will join you. I don't care what color you are, your gender, religion, or sexual orientation. You are my people. The American people. And I love.

Rant over.

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