
Left my job today.

Been there 10 years, loved working for my boss though the place had some issues but overall it was a good place to work. Last week during my days off the owners brought someone in to help the chef because we were short staffed and the guy essentially pushed his way through the kitchen and tried changing things in front of the chef to his own way. The chef went down to management and told them that this guy has got to go or he is leaving with the whole kitchen team. Get a text from him this morning saying he had a meeting with the owner and the new chef showed up and he quit on the spot. I had something lined up in case something like this happened so when the chef quit I decided to quit myself, and take that new job until the chef either brings…

Been there 10 years, loved working for my boss though the place had some issues but overall it was a good place to work. Last week during my days off the owners brought someone in to help the chef because we were short staffed and the guy essentially pushed his way through the kitchen and tried changing things in front of the chef to his own way. The chef went down to management and told them that this guy has got to go or he is leaving with the whole kitchen team. Get a text from him this morning saying he had a meeting with the owner and the new chef showed up and he quit on the spot. I had something lined up in case something like this happened so when the chef quit I decided to quit myself, and take that new job until the chef either brings us to his new job or I decide to leave for elsewhere.

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