
New owner ruined the books he bought

I've been at this company over 2 years. I've built great relationships with all the clients. At the beginning of the year the old owner sold the company to another franchisee. The new owner already had 3X the clients we had but wasn't even making $(1/2)MIL/YR. My manager and I worked really hard to create a healthy culture and we worked great together to nail down solid communication across the board. We had great vision and we all worked together as a team to meet our goals. The new owner had meetings with all of us. In that I found he was incredibly wax on leadership skills and wouldn't even read books. The growth of the company was very stagnant and the people in the same position as I was we're making 15 to $20,000 less a year. No one had a vision or a goal. Everyone tried to do…

I've been at this company over 2 years. I've built great relationships with all the clients. At the beginning of the year the old owner sold the company to another franchisee. The new owner already had 3X the clients we had but wasn't even making $(1/2)MIL/YR. My manager and I worked really hard to create a healthy culture and we worked great together to nail down solid communication across the board. We had great vision and we all worked together as a team to meet our goals. The new owner had meetings with all of us. In that I found he was incredibly wax on leadership skills and wouldn't even read books. The growth of the company was very stagnant and the people in the same position as I was we're making 15 to $20,000 less a year. No one had a vision or a goal. Everyone tried to do their own thing and support the company. But it was very chaotic and after 6 months there was still no real leadership and cohesion in the company. The owner would frequently go on vacation and try to buy up other established franchises. He works the team like dogs and doesn't listen to anyone who has knowledge experience and wisdom in that business. In fact he has never done well in this business before and he comes from a corporate environment where he's strictly dealt with Acquisitions and liquidation of other companies. It's incredibly mind boggling that he continues to operate the same way when the whole reason for buying the books is to increase and grow his own business. In these seven months, he managed to implement several new processes that only hurt all of the staff. He stripped away all the critical tools that kept everyone in the company on top of new information as well as showing minor and major projects and holding project owners accountable. He lost over half a million a year in client Revenue in ONE month. He also lost senior members of his company and his new acquisition. And those members had a lot of tribal knowledge and well established relationships. He managed to find ways to not pay employees. Everything from slashing the bonus programs to refusing to pay out on mileage he never stood on any actual written policy. And he kept making up new policies and holding people to standards that never had an established process and wasn't written down anywhere. As one of the client favorites and most knowledgeable employees, I have absolutely zero problems with the fact that I left the whole company high and dry on client knowledge when I walked out today.

TL;DR New head of company doesn't have experience in the business he owns. He disregards and effectively hinders his top employees. Several have already left, and today I walked away giving no fawkes.

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