
Doing tasks above my position/Being overworked

I've worked at this job for 6 years(25m). Started working at this textile mill when I was 19 years old. Anyways I'm a machine operator but everyday I'm tasked with doing part of other peoples job that have titles and pay grades above mine. They've mentioned me getting promoted in the past but they do this to keep me doing others job with false hope for promotion. These people have been with the company 25years give or take all of them. I'm basically just making there job easier so they can slack off and have easy days and little to no work. I do part of the supervisors job setting up the computers for the machine that controls the speed the temperature and the colors the machine dyes and much more. It's a complex machine that dyes yarn then it steams it then it dries it then it's wound up…

I've worked at this job for 6 years(25m). Started working at this textile mill when I was 19 years old.

Anyways I'm a machine operator but everyday I'm tasked with doing part of other peoples job that have titles and pay grades above mine.

They've mentioned me getting promoted in the past but they do this to keep me doing others job with false hope for promotion. These people have been with the company 25years give or take all of them. I'm basically just making there job easier so they can slack off and have easy days and little to no work. I do part of the supervisors job setting up the computers for the machine that controls the speed the temperature and the colors the machine dyes and much more.

It's a complex machine that dyes yarn then it steams it then it dries it then it's wound
up on a winder.

I also set up the computer for the
winder that controls speed, size of packages and the tension of the machine and those are supervisor tasks.

I also do part of a position called dye man or drug weigher and they make dye for the machine but I do part of there tasks to. Such as washing the machine, dumping the dye out, plugging up the hoses for the dye, filling the dye up into the machine etc.

also when you wash the machine you have to use a strong chemical called blue thunder to take the dye off where it's stained or hardened onto the machine.

I also help the mechanics when parts
of the machine breaks or they need to put a new belt on or anything they need a extra hand with doing.

I also do my job and part of another
operators job (same title as me but different tasks). My coworkers with same job title as me also take breaks at inconvenient times like when it's time do one of there tasks and I end up doing it and they take double the length of breaks that they're supposed to. There's a lot more things and examples but I think you get a majority of my problem.

Any tips or advice? I'd greatly appreciate it.
I'm struggling with stress and exhaustion and after work everyday I got a 6 year old to attend to and it's draining me but I'm not sacrificing my child's time for my own problems. She's a daddy's girl and I don't want to let her down.

Also I've mentioned to Human Resources about a year ago and nothing really was resolved or changed and I've talked to plant manager around the same time and his response basically was “keep doing it, idc. Your coworkers, supervisor, and the dye weigher isn't spring chickens” which they keep feeding me this hope of promotion but it's been years and it never comes cause my old coworkers won't retire cause they got it easy and I'm doing there jobs. Please help with any advice, tips or what to do! Thanks!

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