
All my paychecks bounce and this is what I have to go through every 2 weeks

Lol. I left my previous job with toxic management and found a job at a newer, small company right near where I live. Things are messy and disorganized but I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as they are still figuring things out. Been there for a little over 2 months and every paycheck I've gotten has bounced (except for one). And then every 2 weeks I have to basically harass my boss/the owner for my money. The owner is a “chill” guy but a little too chill – he's very checked out, whenever he's at work he's drinking, it's a nightmare trying to get things we're out of to keep the shop running because there's a terrible lack of communication or care. It seems like he wanted to staff up the store and then not have to do anything. Which would be somewhat achievable if he set it…

Lol. I left my previous job with toxic management and found a job at a newer, small company right near where I live. Things are messy and disorganized but I gave them the benefit of the doubt, as they are still figuring things out. Been there for a little over 2 months and every paycheck I've gotten has bounced (except for one). And then every 2 weeks I have to basically harass my boss/the owner for my money. The owner is a “chill” guy but a little too chill – he's very checked out, whenever he's at work he's drinking, it's a nightmare trying to get things we're out of to keep the shop running because there's a terrible lack of communication or care. It seems like he wanted to staff up the store and then not have to do anything. Which would be somewhat achievable if he set it up better, but he didn't.

I just want my money, man. I'm currently in Thailand so it makes things a little more difficult communicating with him. I don't think I'll be coming back to work upon my return, which is unfortunate because the location is so close to home. A few of my coworkers had issues being underpaid and had to go through this defensive tug-o-war with him. Idk what the laws are in Washington State (where I live) but it seems borderline illegal, but I don't know enough to know for sure.

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