
Led On & Ghosted By An Employer

Alright, so this is more of a rant then anything. Recently I've been looking for part time work. It's not super easy finding jobs in the field I work in, especially when so far your only experience was a summer job. But, nonetheless, I searched and applied for like 10 different jobs in the span of like two days on Indeed and looked every day for new posts. I sorta didn't realize that Indeed was searching 25 miles outside of my city instead of my exact location. This will become important later. I find this one job and when I tell you it seemed perfect for me, I mean it. It was part time, $25 an hour, I just met all the qualifications, and the job itself sounded fun. Definitely not that kind of job opportunity you come across regularly. So I applied and had my fingers crossed. A week…

Alright, so this is more of a rant then anything. Recently I've been looking for part time work. It's not super easy finding jobs in the field I work in, especially when so far your only experience was a summer job. But, nonetheless, I searched and applied for like 10 different jobs in the span of like two days on Indeed and looked every day for new posts. I sorta didn't realize that Indeed was searching 25 miles outside of my city instead of my exact location. This will become important later.

I find this one job and when I tell you it seemed perfect for me, I mean it. It was part time, $25 an hour, I just met all the qualifications, and the job itself sounded fun. Definitely not that kind of job opportunity you come across regularly. So I applied and had my fingers crossed.

A week passes and I finally get call back from them. First red flag, as I'm speaking to the lady she tells me that she thought she called me the week prior, but actually got my number wrong. If Indeed hadn't recommended I send a follow up message, she would have never realized. After that, I had had an in person interview set up.

I was excited, especially since I had been feeling so discouraged by this whole enter job seeking experience. I had my father drive me, and it was then that I actually realized this job was a bit further then I had realized. But that's fine, whatever, I'll worry about that later. He drops me off, I was 15 minutes early, and I meet the lady.

The interview actually went really well. Everything she was saying about the place and the job and the expectations and how she'd be as my boss all sounded great. We actually had a really good conversation and by the end she told me she had to speak to the owner since they were having some sorta paperwork troubles. But that by Monday (this was on a Friday) I'd get an email and we'd work out my actual schedule from there. Which I was all aboard for.

Over the weekend, I started looking into how I was gonna travel to work without my father driving me. And to my dismay, I realized the shortest trip would be at least a train and two buses. Or a $50 cab. Not just that, but with the possible schedule we had talked about in the interview, I'd barely work more then 5 hours on the weekends. So, I was starting to question this job choice. But, I told myself to wait till Monday, see the schedule she'd offer, then make my decision.

Problem is, Monday came and went. No email. Tuesday came and went. No email. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and it's next Monday already. No email. By this point, it felt like the universe was screaming at me THIS ISN'T THE RIGHT FIT FOR YOU! Which I took a little too hard. Simply because that was the only job out of the over 10 that got back to me. And I honestly felt quite disrespected that she didn't even bother to contact me even if it was just to tell me that I wasn't actually getting the job or something.

What's worse is how she was saying she was really in need of staff. How other places usually didn't give people with so little experience a chance, but she did. How she had all these projects she wanted to do and how great of a fit I'd be for them. Only for her to effectively lead me on and ghost me. And for a job that would have been more trouble then it was worth but I was so willing to still go through with it, at least to put it on my resume, I was pissed.

After that, I decided to keep looking. Which now I'm glad I did. There was one job I also really wanted that I applied to on Indeed but didn't get. It was a similar kind of position for a similar amount of pay but waaaay closer to me. And in the listing, the hours and time slots were very clear. Plus, this company has multiple sites so more chances for me to get hired. My resume wasn't chosen on Indeed. But, I then downloaded Zip Recruiter and saw the same job listing. I signed up again cause what's the worst that can happen, right?

So, you could imagine my surprise when I get an email the very next day to schedule an interview. I was over the moon! I just completely the first interview and scheduled my second! With any luck, I'll be employed by next week!

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