
Workplaces not writing info about them but writing all the things that they need from the person they are going to hire. Opinions?

Recently I started to look for a new job after our current boss refusing to hire more people and my other coworker being a kiss-ass even if the boss wants him to go pick up some package at 1 he will go and do it and we always work late and not getting any overtime. So here is the thing I've been looking at the job listings and it is almost always the workplace wants this and that but nobody provides the hours, salary or any other info. Once I went into an interview and they are telling me that literally I had to the job of 3 people and only get paid 100(different currency) above. Such a waste of time and if you dare to ask them about the hours or salary beforehand they will act like you cursed at their grandma or something.

Recently I started to look for a new job after our current boss refusing to hire more people and my other coworker being a kiss-ass even if the boss wants him to go pick up some package at 1 he will go and do it and we always work late and not getting any overtime. So here is the thing I've been looking at the job listings and it is almost always the workplace wants this and that but nobody provides the hours, salary or any other info. Once I went into an interview and they are telling me that literally I had to the job of 3 people and only get paid 100(different currency) above. Such a waste of time and if you dare to ask them about the hours or salary beforehand they will act like you cursed at their grandma or something.

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