
Am I entitled for thinking 9a.m. to 5p.m. is too much?

Hi friends, I am a 30 year old that recently has been making some drastic changes to try and change my finance problems and my life. Background Info: I broke up with my bf, moved from my high cost of living area (after living there 5 years) to my parents new home 5 hours away. Not the home I grew up in, it's actually in a 55+ community in Florida Lol. So definitely temporary, but I could be here for a while to save rent.- it doesn't make sense to pay astronomical amounts in rent to me. I am looking for jobs and man, it is bleak. I have a B.S, 10 years experience in sales, my real estate liscense, my yoga cert. I also am a trained bellydancer/fire dancer and absolutely love that, but not sure if living off income from gigs would work for me. Therefor, I'm back…

Hi friends, I am a 30 year old that recently has been making some drastic changes to try and change my finance problems and my life.

Background Info:

I broke up with my bf, moved from my high cost of living area (after living there 5 years) to my parents new home 5 hours away. Not the home I grew up in, it's actually in a 55+ community in Florida Lol. So definitely temporary, but I could be here for a while to save rent.- it doesn't make sense to pay astronomical amounts in rent to me.

I am looking for jobs and man, it is bleak. I have a B.S, 10 years experience in sales, my real estate liscense, my yoga cert. I also am a trained bellydancer/fire dancer and absolutely love that, but not sure if living off income from gigs would work for me.

Therefor, I'm back into this shit show…

Looks like rooms for rent are $1500-$2000 a month for a 1/1, so you might think wages would be a little higher…nope. Extremely expensive snobby area in Florida outside Miami. 1000's of New York boomers are moving here every day, creating more traffic and more homes.

Wages looks like they've stayed the same since I graduated in 2011.

Anyways….to the point:

I went to an employment agency. She sent me to an interview to work at a Quartz counter top warehouse for sales. I'd be working 9-5 M-F, and it takes about 30 minutes to get to work- not a pleasant drive either.

The wage is ……$17 an hour.

The manager was very nice and straightforward on what he wants, but didn't deliver at all exactly what my rate would be. He did say I could get a promotion in 6 months. I'd have a trainer and learn the ins and outs of the business. And there is definitely room to get promoted. There are 4 other sales people, and he said none of them wants to become manager (I didn't ask why, although I wish I did).

So I can hear already in the comments, people saying: Put your head down, work hard, and go after it!

However, there are so many drawbacks to the lifestyle that I truly desire…including:

  • Waking up at 7am, which ultimately I'll have to go to bed at 11pm
  • Meaning I'll have to get in bed by 10, and if I get home at 5:30ish from my job that means I only have 4.5 hours to do everything else I want to do in my life, like stretch for an hour + practice dance for an hour, work out for an hour, read for 30 min, walk for 30 min, a…i already ran out of time.
  • Most likely I'll be tired after a long day of being at an office/not comfortable. So who knows if I'll have the drive to do this. I really care about being consistent about my dance practice and having a balanced, healthy life.

They told me I was hired. Never felt like I was asked if I want it. No time consider. I'm taking today off and supposed to start tomorrow. I felt hauled around like cattle. I have a knot in my stomach. Like the title said, am I entitled? I know I can always start and quit but I feel like I'm running out of time to find something that works for me.


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