
Just your daily reminder that corporations are hell and management is BS

Management announced layoffs in the company worldwide and said that layoffs WILL NOT impact our local team and despite that, more positions for our team will be available soon. Well guess what, several people were laid off without any signs whatsoever that this will be happenning and in spite of their announcement that we will not be impacted. Fxck corporations and fxck management. I hope you get laid off and struggle to provide for your family and cover the mortgage.

Management announced layoffs in the company worldwide and said that layoffs WILL NOT impact our local team and despite that, more positions for our team will be available soon.

Well guess what, several people were laid off without any signs whatsoever that this will be happenning and in spite of their announcement that we will not be impacted.

Fxck corporations and fxck management. I hope you get laid off and struggle to provide for your family and cover the mortgage.

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