
Bilateral pulmonary embolism & congestive heart failure…but I’m destabilizing the office.

I am 60…i got dvt (blood clots) in my legs. Treatment of thinners for 6 months and told I'm ok. 2 months later I'm in hospital, sweating and short of breath. Now have clots in both lungs and hearts congested due to strain on that system. I took two weeks off (actually worked from home) and against doctors orders went back to work in office, as I am the one who does accounts recieveable and balances our month and it was month end time. This includes commission sheets for salesmen so they get paid. Go talk to boss and he says and i quote, ” I'm to old to answer phones and have this unstability in the office”. I was shocked! I am there often before anyone else. I learned this job with litterally no training. I am extremely good at my job and can often complete all my reports…

I am 60…i got dvt (blood clots) in my legs. Treatment of thinners for 6 months and told I'm ok. 2 months later I'm in hospital, sweating and short of breath. Now have clots in both lungs and hearts congested due to strain on that system. I took two weeks off (actually worked from home) and against doctors orders went back to work in office, as I am the one who does accounts recieveable and balances our month and it was month end time. This includes commission sheets for salesmen so they get paid.

Go talk to boss and he says and i quote, ” I'm to old to answer phones and have this unstability in the office”. I was shocked! I am there often before anyone else. I learned this job with litterally no training. I am extremely good at my job and can often complete all my reports and balance the month in 1 to 2 days. I work very hard at trying to increase receivables and have done so in many ways. We are unstable and short handed because it's vacation season and they have cut our staff to the point that we no longer have reception or other support staff we always had. He didnt mind leaving us shorthanded as he took a week vacation which overlapped another guys vacation leaving us 2 men short the week after i returned.

I should mention I am in Canada working a Federally regulated business. My doctor said I should be off work longer and I'm now considering these options; a long term disability, retiring early or requesting a work from home situation which I know would have him trying to hire someone to replace me. Thing is this is an extremely hard position to replace as our AR is married to a system that unless you know this specialized software, and lingo of our business, you could never do. You'd litterally have to learn our software system which takes months before you could then learn how we do the AR side of things.

Oh ya…also boss is ready to retire and his hearts no longer in it…the chair I'm using is like a torture device and I'm sure that where I got my clots, and I have a two story climb on a staircase with no middle landing…just stairs going up at a very steep angle with a railing that has broken loose from the wall and cannot be used to aid in case I fall (he just won't get it fixed even though several of us have complained)…we also need new chairs which again he has been resistant to get us. What do you all think? Should I spend my precious days working for someone who clearly doesn't appreciate me or my efforts or do I work from home (which labor law says I can do unless it causes hardship, which they can't prove because we did it through covid and I just did 2 weeks without issue). Or do I just retire early or take disability?

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