
Moving 3,200-3700lbs on a non motorized cart. How is this okay with OSHA???

I have been with my company for few months, and being off probation, to joined the union. I only joined the union to see why in the hell we don't have motorized carts like many other departments in the company. We have multiple models that range between 3200 and 3700 lbs. The union president seemed surprised that I would even ask the question and said “have a man do it for me.” After speaking to OSHA they said there is an ergonomic safety formula, but no set regulations for what is safe to push. Are there really no laws and zero safety regulations in place to help me? This is an easy job but I will quit before this breaks me.

I have been with my company for few months, and being off probation, to joined the union. I only joined the union to see why in the hell we don't have motorized carts like many other departments in the company. We have multiple models that range between 3200 and 3700 lbs. The union president seemed surprised that I would even ask the question and said “have a man do it for me.”

After speaking to OSHA they said there is an ergonomic safety formula, but no set regulations for what is safe to push.

Are there really no laws and zero safety regulations in place to help me? This is an easy job but I will quit before this breaks me.

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