
Company fucking with our wages, and its all legal.

Just a bit of a rant as there is legally nothing we can do to the situation. I work in logistics as a semi driver, and the company has always been OK to work for. Pretty relaxed environment, although average pay was around $1-2 less than the competition. But we almost never got checked up on, as long as we did our job to an acceptable standard. We are all on 40hour guaranteed contracts, but work 55-60 hours every week(5 x 12hr shifts). Pay is straight with no OT over allocated 40hours. About 4 months ago we got new managers, and a new payroll. That is where the shit started. And they are doing it all legally, but its so scaly. I trued calling Labour dept but they confirmed it is all legal, albeit unethical. First thing, we have always had a 30min unpaid break, regardless if we worked 8…

Just a bit of a rant as there is legally nothing we can do to the situation.

I work in logistics as a semi driver, and the company has always been OK to work for. Pretty relaxed environment, although average pay was around $1-2 less than the competition. But we almost never got checked up on, as long as we did our job to an acceptable standard.

We are all on 40hour guaranteed contracts, but work 55-60 hours every week(5 x 12hr shifts). Pay is straight with no OT over allocated 40hours.

About 4 months ago we got new managers, and a new payroll. That is where the shit started. And they are doing it all legally, but its so scaly. I trued calling Labour dept but they confirmed it is all legal, albeit unethical.

First thing, we have always had a 30min unpaid break, regardless if we worked 8 or 14 hours. Now, the moment we hit 12 we get docked another 30min. So if I work 12 hours, or 12.5 I get the same money. All legal according to union and Labour dept. For the people working in transport, you will know it is impossible to be back exactly at the end of your shift, so 3-4 days a week the company is getting free work out of everyone.

Second, on public holidays and sick days they had always averaged our hours, so if I averaged 11.75 hours over the last 6 months, that is the pay that I would get for sick days or public holidays. Now, they only pay according to our contract which is 40 hours. I had a week off sick and took a 33% paycut for that week. Same for public holidays, losing around $150 for every day.

We had meetings with management, union rep etc and they all say we have no foot to stand on, and management says if we don’t like it we can go.

Pisses me off more than I can put into words.

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