
Department Hopping

Throw away account. Lengthy read. Some context for my situation: I applied for a position in the enforcement department for the state back in May. It is a ~6 month vetting process for this position. I had no prior enforcement/law experience , so I knew it would be a longshot if I actually got the position. Time went on and I waited. I took the entrance exam for the enforcement department, sent them my resume and cover letter, and went through the motions. As I was awaiting to be approved for the next step (the physical test), I decided to apply to another state department at the end of June. This was the state's agriculture department. This was done to, more or less, hedge my bets. Looking back on it, this might have been a mistake, because this is where things get complicated. The enforcement department invited me to the…

Throw away account. Lengthy read.

Some context for my situation: I applied for a position in the enforcement department for the state back in May. It is a ~6 month vetting process for this position. I had no prior enforcement/law experience , so I knew it would be a longshot if I actually got the position. Time went on and I waited. I took the entrance exam for the enforcement department, sent them my resume and cover letter, and went through the motions. As I was awaiting to be approved for the next step (the physical test), I decided to apply to another state department at the end of June. This was the state's agriculture department. This was done to, more or less, hedge my bets. Looking back on it, this might have been a mistake, because this is where things get complicated.

The enforcement department invited me to the PT and the agriculture department invited me to an interview. I figured I would attend both, as neither were a guarantee at this point. Passed the PT and the interview (for the agriculture department) went well. More time goes by. So much so, that I figured that I didn't make the cut for the enforcement agency. Agriculture department lets me know that they want to bring me aboard, which was honestly great news. I start my new position and commit myself 100% to the job. That is, until I receive a text from the enforcement department, asking me to come in for an interview. I weigh my options and decide to ask to leave early one day from my new job, in order to make the interview. Keep in mind – I did not specify as to why I needed to the time off.

I go to the interview for the enforcement department, and it seemed to go okay. The interviewer questioned my recent change in employment, and asked if I still wanted to proceed with the application to the enforcement department/academy. I told him that I am still interested in the position and would take the offer, should I receive one. With this being said, he asked for my current supervisor's information. Seemed odd, but I gave him the information. Interview ends with “you may get a phone call, letting you know the next step.”

The next day comes, I go to work, and I go about my job. Couple hours into the day, my manager asks me to step into the office. Both, my supervisor and manager are in the room. They ask me how the job is going and if I had any concerns or complaints. I tell them everything is good, no obvious questions or concerns, and the like. Then, my supervisor lets me know that they received a phone call from the enforcement department, and they were made aware that I attended an interview with them. I confirmed that I did. That's when my manager hits me with “how do you expect to make it with them, if you can't be fair and open with us. It takes a lot of integrity to make it in that department. Not only that, but it takes a lot of time and resources to train a new hire. So, what are your intentions?” I told them that I was weighing all of my options and keeping my best interests in mind. They tried to get me to say that I was staying with them and that I would stop pursuing the enforcement academy. I simply said, “I don't know. In this economy, I'm keeping all of my doors open. For now, I'm staying with you.”

That's when I was hit with – “You stood out amongst the other applicants, because you seemed loyal and honest,” followed by “take the weekend to think it over and get back to us.” I kept it professional, tried to make things more lighthearted, and went about my day. This was last week, for reference.

I just got an email from the enforcement agency, asking for a second interview. Again, no official offer on the position. I did not expect to make it this far with the application. I guess my question is – what do I tell my supervisor now? Be honest? Say I got the shits? Also, am I in the wrong for taking a better position so soon (~ 3 months)

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