
Overtime at work is taking over my life. I’m quitting right after my two week paid time off

I just took a double shift because some idiot at another store got stung in the mouth by a bee And now my other coworker is crying that I'm not working from 6am to 6.30 pm but taking a few hours if a break in-between my shift from 6am to 6.30. Waa waa girl stfu I'm already doing 10 hours And then when I'm boutta go home she takes her break right as I'm boutta leave so I have to stay another half hour And then another girl calls in and asks if I can cover the rest of her shift because her baby is sick. Even though her baby is sick every goddamn week and every time her baby is “sick” she comes in an hour later to drink a coffee and hang out at the store because “oh I have someone to watch her now”. So I tell…

I just took a double shift because some idiot at another store got stung in the mouth by a bee
And now my other coworker is crying that I'm not working from 6am to 6.30 pm but taking a few hours if a break in-between my shift from 6am to 6.30.
Waa waa girl stfu I'm already doing 10 hours
And then when I'm boutta go home she takes her break right as I'm boutta leave so I have to stay another half hour
And then another girl calls in and asks if I can cover the rest of her shift because her baby is sick. Even though her baby is sick every goddamn week and every time her baby is “sick” she comes in an hour later to drink a coffee and hang out at the store because “oh I have someone to watch her now”. So I tell her I can cover her shift if she does my shift tomorrow. Which would round out to 9 hours for that day for her. Which is still way less than what I would be doing giving up my break to take over her shift. And suddenly the damn baby isn't so sick anymore. Every free second can be planned away. Every day might be a workday. And by god, I can't even be mad at my manager because she has it worst. She barely get three days off a month. If she's lucky. She regularly works 60 hour weeks.
That's how it is at my company. If you have a baby you never have to take a shift or stay longer or travel to other locations. But if you're childless you can't say no. Ever. Oh you don't have a car? Take the bus. When I couldn't get a bus to another location they suggested I walk. 30 kilometres. Through empty fields. At 6am. I haven't seen my family in months. I never have time to hang out with friends anymore.

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