
Couldn’t work from home but presentation is due EOD, stuck using sick time while working from home.

Basically what the title says. It sucks. I have a multitude of health problems, but my IBS has really been causing me a lot of pain recently. Today I made it about an hour and a half before I went home. I’ve been stuck with the worst stomach cramps to the point I’m curled up at my desk in pain and can’t go more than 5-10 minutes without urgently needing to go to the bathroom. I have a presentation that is due at the end of the day and I tried asking if I could work on it from home, but apparently flex is no longer allowed. So here I am, working at home while using my sick time, and it’s just really frustrating. How hard would it be just to allow an employee one day of working from home? It’s so hard to accrue sick time so now I’m…

Basically what the title says. It sucks. I have a multitude of health problems, but my IBS has really been causing me a lot of pain recently. Today I made it about an hour and a half before I went home. I’ve been stuck with the worst stomach cramps to the point I’m curled up at my desk in pain and can’t go more than 5-10 minutes without urgently needing to go to the bathroom. I have a presentation that is due at the end of the day and I tried asking if I could work on it from home, but apparently flex is no longer allowed. So here I am, working at home while using my sick time, and it’s just really frustrating. How hard would it be just to allow an employee one day of working from home?

It’s so hard to accrue sick time so now I’m here debating if I should go back into the office after lunch to finish off the day or just stay home? I could technically make it through the day, but I’m not sure how much better I would be then, than how I was when I went home. Ugh.

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