
Boss threatened to fire me for getting a second job am I in the wrong here??

I’ve been working at the same place for 5 years and have been a manager there for 2 of those years. I recently had a change in my financial situation that requires me to get another job because the job I currently have does not pay enough and will never pay enough. At my current job I only make a few dollars above minimum wage despite working there for 5 years, being a manager, and having most of the responsibilities and being expected to be available pretty much any day of the week whenever they need me. I’ve asked my bosses for raises for the amount of work I do but they refuse to give me one. I also have brought up to them that they hold me to a different standard than other managers there and let the other managers do whatever they want and work as little as…

I’ve been working at the same place for 5 years and have been a manager there for 2 of those years. I recently had a change in my financial situation that requires me to get another job because the job I currently have does not pay enough and will never pay enough. At my current job I only make a few dollars above minimum wage despite working there for 5 years, being a manager, and having most of the responsibilities and being expected to be available pretty much any day of the week whenever they need me. I’ve asked my bosses for raises for the amount of work I do but they refuse to give me one. I also have brought up to them that they hold me to a different standard than other managers there and let the other managers do whatever they want and work as little as they want while expecting me to be available practically 7 days a week. (We’ve literally had managers who will repeatedly no call no show with no consequences but when I do something like requesting a day off a week in advance they will guilt trip me for not working because “it’s an important busy day and we need you there we don’t trust any of the other managers like we trust you!)

This Wednesday I accepted a position at a new job that is full time and was still planning on working my current job which is part time and just working a few less days there a week. I had already consulted the person in charge of making our work schedules about my change in availability and we were already working out who would be working the shifts I would be dropping.

On Friday I was planning on coming into work on my day off to tell my boss that I would be starting a new job and working a few less days a week but before I got a chance to come in he heard rumors that I was quitting (which ended up not even being about me – there happens to be another worker with the same name as me who also happens to be getting a second job right now which is a little weird but he ended up finding out about my new job because of that anyway) and he went to the other managers and told them I was disrespectful for not giving him more notice and told them he was going to fire me and he was already making plans to hire someone else to replace me. I had a meeting with my boss where we talked things over and he didn’t fire me but stands by his claim that I was disrespectful and unprofessional for not telling him sooner and for “telling everyone that works there about it aside from him and keeping it a secret from him” which is simply not true.

But am I in the wrong here??? Should I have given more notice than I did even though I wasn’t quitting and had already gotten the scheduling figured out with the person who makes the schedules and got my shifts covered for next week on the days that I need to go in to train for my new job? There’s so much more I could say about the specific dynamics and ways me and other workers have been treated there over the years but that’s the gist of the situation right now.

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