
A friend of mine was forced to give a feeding tube with no prior training

Literally title. A friend of mine showed up for her first shift at a group home for developmentally disabled adults and was told by the staff she was relieving that she'd be alone for the majority of her shift with 4-5 clients and that one of them had to have a feeding tube around dinner time. Then that staff left, without giving any instruction or training on how to administer a feeding tube. Is this something this company can get in trouble for?

Literally title. A friend of mine showed up for her first shift at a group home for developmentally disabled adults and was told by the staff she was relieving that she'd be alone for the majority of her shift with 4-5 clients and that one of them had to have a feeding tube around dinner time. Then that staff left, without giving any instruction or training on how to administer a feeding tube. Is this something this company can get in trouble for?

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