
Fired as friends wanted my job

So this happened 2 years ago now. I work in care. So i was the deputy manager the.manager was the owner and lived quite a distance away used to come in one or two days a week so i controlled all the jobs the.manager would normally do except rota and calculating the wages i completed adding up the staff hours. Anyway we had these ladies who didn't want to work were terrible people used to always be smoking outside not helping the residents one particular lady would sit in residents rooms and eat their chocolates. I reported this to the boss lots of times but he done nothing as she always used to flirt with him anyway they told the boss i was talking bad about him so one day i got a text from the boss saying i was being suspended and would recieve a letter in the letter…

So this happened 2 years ago now. I work in care. So i was the deputy manager the.manager was the owner and lived quite a distance away used to come in one or two days a week so i controlled all the jobs the.manager would normally do except rota and calculating the wages i completed adding up the staff hours. Anyway we had these ladies who didn't want to work were terrible people used to always be smoking outside not helping the residents one particular lady would sit in residents rooms and eat their chocolates. I reported this to the boss lots of times but he done nothing as she always used to flirt with him anyway they told the boss i was talking bad about him so one day i got a text from the boss saying i was being suspended and would recieve a letter in the letter it detailed all the lies these ladies had made up and invited me for a disciplinary meeting gratitude as during covid i was the only one who could do medication as the others went off sick as they were scared and didn't return for 3 months wheni went to the meeting you could already tell they were siding with the other ladies so i left got another job in another care home where i am now appreciated about 18 months after i had left the boss of my old place called me begging me to come back offered more money said the ladies were leaving and the home was struggling as none of them could do the job i did i said that i was happy where i am as i genuinely get on with all the staff and I'm appreciated not paid well but that's not why we do care CQC went into my old place it was rated good when i was there and downgraded them to requires improvement so a message to bosses cherish your good workers and don't think everyone is easily replaceable thanks for reading!

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