
One week in to my “dream job” and I’m already looking for the fire exit.

You think it would solve everything, if you just get that job you’ve been dreaming of. All these years of school and sacrifice and debt and missed celebrations because you’ve dedicated your life to your craft. And then you walk through those magic doors, and it’s nothing like what you’ve imagined. I know it’s a story told here many times before. But I’m tired. I’ve been working hard most of my life and at 27 years old, after just landing my dream gig, I’m fucking exhausted of working, just one week in. And now. What do I do? I can’t just up and quit. I just moved into a new place in an expensive city, that I can barely afford to live in on this paycheck. Finding another job would take months. The company has already poured so much time and effort into me. Right? I feel like I’m stuck…

You think it would solve everything, if you just get that job you’ve been dreaming of. All these years of school and sacrifice and debt and missed celebrations because you’ve dedicated your life to your craft. And then you walk through those magic doors, and it’s nothing like what you’ve imagined.

I know it’s a story told here many times before. But I’m tired. I’ve been working hard most of my life and at 27 years old, after just landing my dream gig, I’m fucking exhausted of working, just one week in.

And now. What do I do? I can’t just up and quit. I just moved into a new place in an expensive city, that I can barely afford to live in on this paycheck. Finding another job would take months. The company has already poured so much time and effort into me. Right?

I feel like I’m stuck in a dance monkey dance situation. Making everybody else happy except myself. Making my boss happy, my partner happy, coworkers, my parents. Everybody telling me to just go go go, and I’m fucking exhausted.

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