
Curious for those of you who have been demoted or management went in another direction.

I had a dream last night that my employer who I left a couple weeks ago was upset that I didn’t express my real feelings with the leadership changes. I remember when we had a mass of employees all of a sudden quit a couple years back and the boss being like I wish we knew they were unhappy. But the thing I keep thinking about is how would expressing our feelings actually do anything? Am I wrong to have not told them? What have you all done? Not sure why I even care since I am not longer employed there but here we are.

I had a dream last night that my employer who I left a couple weeks ago was upset that I didn’t express my real feelings with the leadership changes.
I remember when we had a mass of employees all of a sudden quit a couple years back and the boss being like I wish we knew they were unhappy. But the thing I keep thinking about is how would expressing our feelings actually do anything? Am I wrong to have not told them? What have you all done? Not sure why I even care since I am not longer employed there but here we are.

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