
Quit Friday..: Stand Up for Yourself

I know many don’t have the option. But wanted to tell my story. Started at a small (in staff number at least) non profit that did have a significant name recognition. Thought I was joining to be the #2 behind the Executive Director as no other role covered the entire organization and wasn’t dedicated to one specific duty. Well I get there and you’d think my career was having managed a warehouse (not even close if your wondering). Every day is about 80% manual labor. And other than 25 minutes of going over the employee handbook…. I shit you not I have zero meetings and ZERO conversations with this ED since I started. So she schedules a first 30 days meeting (which is happening at about 40 days) and I decide I’m going to resign. It’s kind of weird as I walk in as this one consultant lady is there…

I know many don’t have the option. But wanted to tell my story. Started at a small (in staff number at least) non profit that did have a significant name recognition. Thought I was joining to be the #2 behind the Executive Director as no other role covered the entire organization and wasn’t dedicated to one specific duty.

Well I get there and you’d think my career was having managed a warehouse (not even close if your wondering). Every day is about 80% manual labor. And other than 25 minutes of going over the employee handbook…. I shit you not I have zero meetings and ZERO conversations with this ED since I started.

So she schedules a first 30 days meeting (which is happening at about 40 days) and I decide I’m going to resign. It’s kind of weird as I walk in as this one consultant lady is there “taking notes”. The ED asks me how is it going, I say not good and that I’m going to be leaving. I offer options though as they desperately need bodies. I could give 2 weeks, they could repost my job and I hang around until I find something or they find someone or I could just leave today.

We then get into why I wanted to leave. I discuss how the job isn’t what I was told. With it being almost entirely manual labor. Repeated attempts to be a part of something more I ignored, etc. That seems fairly well received. But I then go on to say respectfully that just as big a reason was her lack of contact and training. And how it bordered on feeling disrespected. I gave examples and she just shut it down. Literally walking me out of their shithole offices as if I was going to steal something.

I’ve been interviewing so have options in the chamber. But no job in hand. But hope this can make some of you know that if you have some sort of cushion… take the step. I feel better physically and mentally. And can’t wait until my last check clears and their board member I know gets my process improvement document I wrote 🙂

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