
Arbeit macht frei (Work Sets You Free)

At the front entrance of the Death Camps in Auschwitz read the slogan “Arbeit macht frei” (Work Sets You Free). I believe that this slogan now forever tarnished by the atrocities of WWII was repackaged as the most common slogan of the last 50 years. “Personal Responsibility”. Those who are already in power have endless incentives to convince enough of the population that their own demise and suffering is their own fault. If only they would just take responsibility, only then would they be able to fix all their problems. It's a castration, a neutering of raw power.

At the front entrance of the Death Camps in Auschwitz read the slogan “Arbeit macht frei” (Work Sets You Free).

I believe that this slogan now forever tarnished by the atrocities of WWII was repackaged as the most common slogan of the last 50 years. “Personal Responsibility”.

Those who are already in power have endless incentives to convince enough of the population that their own demise and suffering is their own fault. If only they would just take responsibility, only then would they be able to fix all their problems. It's a castration, a neutering of raw power.

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