
Gave my ex boss my piece of mind, and he took off the last 2 weeks to avoid me.

I work in the finance team in a medium-sized company where upper management acted like high schoolers. They would talk about how people dressed, called people fat, just overall not people I would want to spend time with or interact with unless I had to. Unfortunately, I spent enough time with these clowns and got an understanding of how they think. For them, it was all about control the people. That means they don't expect you to leave for the day or even your desk without working 40hrs that week. If you take a lunch break, you have to make up the hours (we were salaried by the way). If you make a small mistake which is quick to correct, they chew you out to make you feel bad and insecure. They even called a coworker stupid once. They would also use the smallest mistakes not to give raises to…

I work in the finance team in a medium-sized company where upper management acted like high schoolers. They would talk about how people dressed, called people fat, just overall not people I would want to spend time with or interact with unless I had to.

Unfortunately, I spent enough time with these clowns and got an understanding of how they think. For them, it was all about control the people.

That means they don't expect you to leave for the day or even your desk without working 40hrs that week. If you take a lunch break, you have to make up the hours (we were salaried by the way). If you make a small mistake which is quick to correct, they chew you out to make you feel bad and insecure. They even called a coworker stupid once. They would also use the smallest mistakes not to give raises to people.

I stuck around until I used all my PTO because they dont give you money for the unused day. Once I used it all, I went into the office of my douchbag boss and told him I'm quitting. When he asked why I gave him a piece of my mind.

I told him no one wants to work with a asshole. By doing a good job, everyone under him makes him look good to the CEO why would he discourage us. I told him about all the dumb policies they enforce and how they will give us pointless work just to control us makes people not want to work here.

I was surprised he was surprised because the turnover in the team was 100%. I couldn't tell if he was angry or embarrassed that I called him out because he turned so red. I gave him my 2 week notice and then he also took those 2 weeks off to avoid me.

Overall I'm happy I said something. Even if nothing changed for me, I hope this lesson will keep them from acting the same way going forward.

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