
Myopic Target Optical has visions of what to do two month later. Not Original Author of post

A friend asked me to post his lament about working in the optical field. When I first worked at target optical, the store was closed three days out of the week, prior to me working at that location. When I started to manage the store, I wondered how do you stay open seven days a week? We had a conference call about the topic that stated in fact that for every day a store wasn’t open, we got fined $1000. Due to staffing issues, I was working 50 hours a week and close to seven days a week, but I was told how to do it. When the staff quit for somewhere else, then the store could reduce their hours by the margins that I had previously recommended. The first time when I had offered the idea, they had shot it down. After many further frustrations, I quit only to…

A friend asked me to post his lament about working in the optical field.

When I first worked at target optical, the store was closed three days out of the week, prior to me working at that location. When I started to manage the store, I wondered how do you stay open seven days a week? We had a conference call about the topic that stated in fact that for every day a store wasn’t open, we got fined $1000. Due to staffing issues, I was working 50 hours a week and close to seven days a week, but I was told how to do it. When the staff quit for somewhere else, then the store could reduce their hours by the margins that I had previously recommended. The first time when I had offered the idea, they had shot it down. After many further frustrations, I quit only to find out they literally stole my idea. However, this didn’t resolve their staffing issues. One of the stores in Westwood, Ma is now closed three days of the week, sometimes two. The hours have changed every week at a whim. So you have to wonder, is that store getting fines of thousand dollars a day? Who really knows? At target optical, they make it all up as they go along.

On Sunday, it is Closed and closes at 8PM.

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