
Being a good employee gets you no where

So I (25m) have been at this job for around 2 months now. I've settled in well and I'm a very productive team member. I'm in everyday on time. I do all my work each day as I have slight autism and can't sit still so I'm productive. Anyway. Today I'm at work and I finish all my tasks so far today. My team leader has just come to me and asked me to do some bs task that has nothing to do with my job. Everything is fine as far as my supervisor is concerned. Why do higher ups want everyone to do more then what their job requires? He's very nitpicky and wants me to constantly be doing something even though I'm well ahead in work load. (Currently having a toliet break as I write this)

So I (25m) have been at this job for around 2 months now. I've settled in well and I'm a very productive team member. I'm in everyday on time. I do all my work each day as I have slight autism and can't sit still so I'm productive. Anyway. Today I'm at work and I finish all my tasks so far today. My team leader has just come to me and asked me to do some bs task that has nothing to do with my job. Everything is fine as far as my supervisor is concerned. Why do higher ups want everyone to do more then what their job requires? He's very nitpicky and wants me to constantly be doing something even though I'm well ahead in work load.
(Currently having a toliet break as I write this)

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