
Is it common for a job to pay you $2 extra an hour(from $12 to $14 now) but now giving you less hours per week? I was at 30 hours now they only let me work 20 hours.

Btw this job is just seasonal and ends September 6th. I was here last years season as well. Ever since I was told I was now getting a pay raise($14 an hr from $12) they've been lowering my hours. I like to do 30 hours bc that still gives me enough time during the week to study for the career I want, but 20 hours a week is too little. I don't study every day so now I feel like I'm losing my mind just sitting here(no license yet so I don't really go to the mall or places bc Uber can be pricey) so now I'm just bored out of my mind sitting at home. Is it really cheaper or something for jobs to pay $2 an hr more, cut your hours but hire new people at your old hourly wage($12) and give them more hours? So maybe this…

Btw this job is just seasonal and ends September 6th. I was here last years season as well. Ever since I was told I was now getting a pay raise($14 an hr from $12) they've been lowering my hours.

I like to do 30 hours bc that still gives me enough time during the week to study for the career I want, but 20 hours a week is too little. I don't study every day so now I feel like I'm losing my mind just sitting here(no license yet so I don't really go to the mall or places bc Uber can be pricey) so now I'm just bored out of my mind sitting at home.

Is it really cheaper or something for jobs to pay $2 an hr more, cut your hours but hire new people at your old hourly wage($12) and give them more hours?

So maybe this is my fault. Last week I was on for everyday except Monday(I was on Tuesday- Sunday) which had me at 25 hrs bc I like to be at 30 hrs I had texted the scheduling lady “hey, any chance I could get added to work some on Monday?” She left me on read and like an hour later I was then taken off Tuesday, and Saturday to work. 😐 so they also sometimes do that too whenever I ask if I can do a day I am not on for. Is this normal?

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