
I am going to die because of the economy.

So I did some quick math. Assuming me and my roommate both get jobs (only minimum wage in a 30 min walk. No car) we would barely be able to afford food. And that's with cheaping out. I'm assuming $250 a month or food here for 2 people. With all that I'll be unable to get a vehicle to expand my range so no chance of better paying job. I'm going to die without being able to have my daughter with me. She's safer with her mother who lives with her family. I currently work as a substitute teacher and make around $63 a day. Only on days when a sub is needed. I have filled applications out for every place in town and I mean every place. So has my roommate. We are both broken. Currently we both live off 1 or 2 sandwichs a day. Not an exaggeration.…

So I did some quick math. Assuming me and my roommate both get jobs (only minimum wage in a 30 min walk. No car) we would barely be able to afford food. And that's with cheaping out.

I'm assuming $250 a month or food here for 2 people. With all that I'll be unable to get a vehicle to expand my range so no chance of better paying job.

I'm going to die without being able to have my daughter with me. She's safer with her mother who lives with her family.

I currently work as a substitute teacher and make around $63 a day. Only on days when a sub is needed. I have filled applications out for every place in town and I mean every place. So has my roommate.

We are both broken. Currently we both live off 1 or 2 sandwichs a day. Not an exaggeration.

I don't see why I bother staying alive any more. If I get a job I'll be working for the rest of my life just to barely scratch by. When even $15/hr can't cut it, there is something seriously wrong.

Meanwhile businesses are just getting richer with higher and higher profits from decreasing staff, underpayment staff, and increasing prices.

I'm going to die. My roommate is going to die. My daughter is going to die. And you, reading this, will die.

But hey, God bless america, right?

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