
Starting a small rebellion after a reorganization…

Anyone whos been in the workforce long enough knows the story; following a downturn in business my company brought in some consultants to cue up a round of layoffs. We've lost about 20% of our workforce. Y'all know what comes next, right? That's right, those of us who survived the cuts are now expected to take up the workload of those laid off without any increase in pay. It's a tale as old as time, but this time, I'm on “just don't give f*ck” mode. I consolidated all my fellow workers and got them all to agree to hold the line; no additional work until new roles and compensations are secured. I told one of the two consultants in charge of the reorganization that we refuse to bear the burden of mistakes made by upper management and that if the company does not prioritize promotions and salary increases, they can…

Anyone whos been in the workforce long enough knows the story; following a downturn in business my company brought in some consultants to cue up a round of layoffs. We've lost about 20% of our workforce. Y'all know what comes next, right? That's right, those of us who survived the cuts are now expected to take up the workload of those laid off without any increase in pay.

It's a tale as old as time, but this time, I'm on “just don't give f*ck” mode. I consolidated all my fellow workers and got them all to agree to hold the line; no additional work until new roles and compensations are secured. I told one of the two consultants in charge of the reorganization that we refuse to bear the burden of mistakes made by upper management and that if the company does not prioritize promotions and salary increases, they can expect as mass exodus of talent.

I'm probably going to lose my job over this, but gosh darn it did it feel good to blast back with both barrels. Hope you all can get some proxy joy from my sacrifice.

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