
Half my first month’s salary is being withheld and their explanation is ‘we’ll always owe you that and will pay when you leave’ (UK)

Is this even legal? I went full-time in a company after contracting for them and they pay on the 15th of each month. I deferred my start date to the 17th July because otherwise my first paycheck would be 6 weeks in (or so I was told). Now, upon receiving my first paycheck I was dismayed to find half the amount I'm owed. I got some vague explanation about payment in arrears and how that half I'm missing would be carried forward and paid when I leave, or something to that effect. This is the only line in my contract that mentions this: 'Your salary will be XXX per annum payable in equal monthly instalments in arrears on or before the 15th, day of each month for the complete previous month. Payment will be made by direct credit transfer to a bank or building society account nominated by you.' Am…

Is this even legal? I went full-time in a company after contracting for them and they pay on the 15th of each month. I deferred my start date to the 17th July because otherwise my first paycheck would be 6 weeks in (or so I was told). Now, upon receiving my first paycheck I was dismayed to find half the amount I'm owed. I got some vague explanation about payment in arrears and how that half I'm missing would be carried forward and paid when I leave, or something to that effect.

This is the only line in my contract that mentions this:

'Your salary will be XXX per annum payable in equal monthly instalments in arrears on or before the 15th, day of each month for the complete previous month. Payment will be made by direct credit transfer to a bank or building society account nominated by you.'

Am I being screwed here? I'm infuriated and this bullshit in my first month has left a horrible taste in my mouth.

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