
Can my boss imply that we’re not allowed to sit?

Recently at my job my store manager has been hiding all of the office chairs in a room so no one could use them. I didn’t hear it from her but apparently she said people were sitting in them, which… is the purpose of a chair. So I can only assume she believes employees are sitting in them too much. I just find it odd that rather than speaking w us about being in the office less or something of the like, she hides the chairs? What’s most annoying is that she keeps her own chair to sit in for her entire shift (she’s rarely outside the office, always sitting at her computer, doesn’t help on the floor like other store managers do) but she won’t let anyone else sit down? My coworker has been defiant and pulls the chairs back out to use (as most of us are standing,…

Recently at my job my store manager has been hiding all of the office chairs in a room so no one could use them. I didn’t hear it from her but apparently she said people were sitting in them, which… is the purpose of a chair. So I can only assume she believes employees are sitting in them too much.

I just find it odd that rather than speaking w us about being in the office less or something of the like, she hides the chairs? What’s most annoying is that she keeps her own chair to sit in for her entire shift (she’s rarely outside the office, always sitting at her computer, doesn’t help on the floor like other store managers do) but she won’t let anyone else sit down?

My coworker has been defiant and pulls the chairs back out to use (as most of us are standing, walking, etc. during our 8+ hr shifts) for when she needs to do something on the computer. Our boss just takes the chairs and puts them back and recently she’s taken to locking the door and taking her keys with her(which she’s not allowed to do, no keys for doors or the safe or otherwise should leave the building unless you are a keyholder, like myself and coworker).

It’s just really annoying and she won’t say anything to us, and I wonder if it’s bc she knows she can’t tell us we aren’t allowed to sit (edit: if she does she’ll most likely have two key holders walk out). But if “no sitting for anyone” is a hill she’s going to die on then she should at least invest in some anti-fatigue mats.

(We do have chairs in the break room but going there when not on your break is frowned upon, so most rest breaks happen in the office where the chairs are and where we can quickly go out to the floor if we’re needed.)

Maybe we’re spoiled but I also don’t get why people are so weird abt employees sitting tf down every now and then.

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