
Manager wants me to manage the new hire causing me stress

There is a new hire on my small team and I feel so overwhelmed with their training process especially because they are only 50% on my project. So I was put in charge to get them up to speed and I even created templates and guidelines to help them. And several shadowing sessions but they still do not pull their weight. Just yesterday they told me they are to busy with their other project that they have to put a pause on training and the status for the topics I already taught them are in “ progress” when it should actually be complete. But they report it to the PM as in progress. The PM has already told me several times to get this person trained up and I’m trying my best but this person doesn’t even report my efforts or the training sessions we do have so it looks…

There is a new hire on my small team and I feel so overwhelmed with their training process especially because they are only 50% on my project. So I was put in charge to get them up to speed and I even created templates and guidelines to help them. And several shadowing sessions but they still do not pull their weight. Just yesterday they told me they are to busy with their other project that they have to put a pause on training and the status for the topics I already taught them are in “ progress” when it should actually be complete. But they report it to the PM as in progress. The PM has already told me several times to get this person trained up and I’m trying my best but this person doesn’t even report my efforts or the training sessions we do have so it looks like I’m not doing anything at all.

I’m getting so frustrated because on top of my own work on my team , I’m also constantly supporting another team who’s staff is constantly OOO or on holiday. And further more I have this tedious training from a member who is not forth coming or interactive. This person is of a senior role but new to the project also they are several roles above me and decades older then me but I’m here assigning them to do THIER work. And my deliverable are becoming contingent on their response rate which is slow . I am worried this is going to effect my performance and this has been stressing me out for weeks.

My supervising manager literally has told me that they want to be hands off and let me coordinate the training and also QA this new members work in the coming months. I tried to tell them I would feel comfortable if they took the role but they keep saying I have their blessing to assign this new person task etc. Basically passing me this grunt work and I feel if I am not positive it will show I lack leadership skills etc ….

So now not only will I have to assign this person their task but I have to QA everything and if something slips I will be held responsible. This is my first job career wise and I feel dejected that my manager is not even doing their job. Prior to this new member – it was a 2 members team with me completing all the leg work and my supervisor QAing. I was so happy to have an extra member but seems I’m still doing more work and even so it’s expected of me. I had only 2 weeks to onboard before performing well and this new member has been 2 months in and only this week completing the simplest of task. I feel I’m not getting paid enough for all these hats I’m wearing and I’m burning out. These days I feel too sad/hopeless to even work because I do not see improvement or growth here for me. I studied so hard in college as well idk I didn’t think this was going to be my reality. Any advice would be great.

Edit: also want to note this new member blocks off most of their schedule and their availability is vague has they will say they are busy in their other project or have meetings on thier other project etc. So when I try to push for bandwidth transparency I’m met with this. So I’m dealing with guessing day to day if this person is free or want to learn etc. But yet there seems to be no push back on this person. So many excuses are made for them and trying to prioritize their other project schedule. And it allows this person to slide by with no accountability or urgency to meet thier own deadlines. Yet accountability is set on my shoulders from both the PM and my lead manager and I’m just a junior staff member so this is all ludicrous. I’m not certain why they are taking advantage of me. I’m very aware of it and it’s distasteful.

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