
“If you don’t like it here, you can leave.” Now management is mad because we’re leaving

Can't make this up, I'm serving notice at a company that announced in a town hall, “If you don't like it here, you can leave.” Well, about 2/3 of the staff handed in our resignation soon after (this was already after a few months of toxicity & we don't want to prolong it). The management, new management actually, can't do anything about it but they're taking it so personally, like we sabotaged the business or something. “Don't burn bridges,” they said, like… you guys lit the fire. Did they expect us to grovel and beg for them to keep our jobs? No thanks! Anyway I resigned a bit later, together with a few others, so we're being ostracized right now. It's a 2 month notice, pretty normal in my country so I didn't think much of it. I thought only the management has beef with us, but apparently, the normal…

Can't make this up, I'm serving notice at a company that announced in a town hall, “If you don't like it here, you can leave.” Well, about 2/3 of the staff handed in our resignation soon after (this was already after a few months of toxicity & we don't want to prolong it).

The management, new management actually, can't do anything about it but they're taking it so personally, like we sabotaged the business or something. “Don't burn bridges,” they said, like… you guys lit the fire. Did they expect us to grovel and beg for them to keep our jobs? No thanks!

Anyway I resigned a bit later, together with a few others, so we're being ostracized right now. It's a 2 month notice, pretty normal in my country so I didn't think much of it. I thought only the management has beef with us, but apparently, the normal staff are on the hate ex-staff train too. They're giving us the cold shoulder & side-eye in a major way. The management will not replace the people who resigned, apparently. Haha good luck!

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