
Is my last manager dominating me?

My job needs current registration and practicing certificate which needs to be renewed every 3 years. Because since I left my last full-time job I haven't found another full-time job, the only suitable person to endorse the renewal of my practicing certificate is my last manager. I texted her and she replied and provided me with the necessary information about her to fill out the renewal application form. We also had a little chat after that. The endorse email is in her inbox since 9am Wednesday and she just need to click and confirm it then my application could continue. But until now Thursday she still hasn't confirmed it for me. I sent another text this evening asking when it will be completed and got no reply. How shall I deal with such situation professionally, so I wouldn't have the unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling like I am being dominated by…

My job needs current registration and practicing certificate which needs to be renewed every 3 years. Because since I left my last full-time job I haven't found another full-time job, the only suitable person to endorse the renewal of my practicing certificate is my last manager. I texted her and she replied and provided me with the necessary information about her to fill out the renewal application form. We also had a little chat after that. The endorse email is in her inbox since 9am Wednesday and she just need to click and confirm it then my application could continue. But until now Thursday she still hasn't confirmed it for me. I sent another text this evening asking when it will be completed and got no reply. How shall I deal with such situation professionally, so I wouldn't have the unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling like I am being dominated by her and protect my interest at the same time to make this process not be delayed for too long? I don't know why. It's just the fact that she hasn't confirmed it for me makes me feel quite uneasy. Thanks.

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