
What rate of pay would you accept to essentially stand in one spot all day and do nothing.

That's the delemia I have now. I work a night audit job at a hotel. Up until recently we were allowed to relax in the back and do whatever we wanted. Watch movies, play games, school work, etc. Whatever we wanted, as long as the work got done. Yesterday I was told we could no longer be in the back and had to stand out at the desk all day. The kicker is we can't use our phones, the computers are blocked, can't do any type of school work at desk, basically nothing. We have to stand at the desk and wait for someone to come along. It wouldn't be an issue if we were actually busy, but this job is frequently dead and no guest interaction for 3-5+ hours at a time. Yesterday I assisted no one until 6am, about 7 hours into my shift. The rate of pay…

That's the delemia I have now.

I work a night audit job at a hotel. Up until recently we were allowed to relax in the back and do whatever we wanted. Watch movies, play games, school work, etc. Whatever we wanted, as long as the work got done. Yesterday I was told we could no longer be in the back and had to stand out at the desk all day. The kicker is we can't use our phones, the computers are blocked, can't do any type of school work at desk, basically nothing. We have to stand at the desk and wait for someone to come along.

It wouldn't be an issue if we were actually busy, but this job is frequently dead and no guest interaction for 3-5+ hours at a time. Yesterday I assisted no one until 6am, about 7 hours into my shift.

The rate of pay they give me is 19.00 an hour. Some people might think that's okay to just stand in one spot all day, but is it? What rate of pay is worth mind numbering boringness.

Is it silly of me to be applying for jobs now, or should I just be greatly for it. I told my boss if he had told me I was retired to stand there all day I would have walked out of the interview. The night job is already tough enough on my social and mental life, and now to top it off we're being stripped of anything that made it enjoyable. Honestly I'm not sure if I'd do a job like this now for even 25 an hour.

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