
Boss is refusing to pay me and is claiming records of my hours are “lost”

I worked for a local business owner for around 1 month in total and have only been paid for 2 weeks of my service. For those first 2 weeks, he had basically clocked me in and out of work, but is now claiming he has lost my hours. The only proof I can show is my timeline of locations visited through my Google Maps app. Not sure if many are aware of this, but Google basically has a tracking device on you and actively records all the places you visit and how long you were there. For those first 2 weeks, I was under no contract with this guy, making it even more difficult to prove I worked under him during this period. I was hoping someone could give me advice, would I have much luck with filing a warrant in debt in a situation like this?

I worked for a local business owner for around 1 month in total and have only been paid for 2 weeks of my service. For those first 2 weeks, he had basically clocked me in and out of work, but is now claiming he has lost my hours.

The only proof I can show is my timeline of locations visited through my Google Maps app. Not sure if many are aware of this, but Google basically has a tracking device on you and actively records all the places you visit and how long you were there.

For those first 2 weeks, I was under no contract with this guy, making it even more difficult to prove I worked under him during this period. I was hoping someone could give me advice, would I have much luck with filing a warrant in debt in a situation like this?

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