
Survived Xenomorphs, Couldn’t Survive Corporate Exploitation: My Story as Ellen Ripley

Hey fellow anti-work advocates, Ellen Ripley here, though you might know me better as the survivor of not one, but two encounters with those pesky Xenomorphs aboard the Nostromo and the USM Auriga. I've battled space horrors that nightmares are made of, but let me tell you, the real horror is the soul-sucking nature of corporate work. Back in the day, I was just a regular space trucker, working aboard the USCSS Nostromo. They promised good pay and a straightforward job – haul some cargo, get paid, rinse and repeat. But what they didn't mention in the fine print was the constant feeling of being a replaceable cog in their money-making machine. I was just another expendable employee in their eyes, a pawn to be sacrificed for the so-called “greater good.” As you might remember, we stumbled upon a derelict spacecraft and all hell broke loose. Xenomorphs infested the ship,…

Hey fellow anti-work advocates,

Ellen Ripley here, though you might know me better as the survivor of not one, but two encounters with those pesky Xenomorphs aboard the Nostromo and the USM Auriga. I've battled space horrors that nightmares are made of, but let me tell you, the real horror is the soul-sucking nature of corporate work.

Back in the day, I was just a regular space trucker, working aboard the USCSS Nostromo. They promised good pay and a straightforward job – haul some cargo, get paid, rinse and repeat. But what they didn't mention in the fine print was the constant feeling of being a replaceable cog in their money-making machine. I was just another expendable employee in their eyes, a pawn to be sacrificed for the so-called “greater good.”

As you might remember, we stumbled upon a derelict spacecraft and all hell broke loose. Xenomorphs infested the ship, my crewmates were picked off one by one, and I fought tooth and nail to survive. Did the company care about our lives? Not a bit. All they saw was potential profit in those deadly creatures. It was all about the damn bottom line.

So, what happened after I barely made it out alive? Did they thank me for my courage, my resourcefulness? Nope. Instead, they fired me, revoked my flight license, and wiped my records. Why? Because their precious cargo, those lethal Xenomorphs, were gone. Gone as in escaped and wreaking havoc. And they blamed me for it!

Lost my license, lost my job, lost my sense of security – all because I refused to be a pawn in their sick game. I spoke out against the heartless corporate machine, but they silenced me with their power and influence. They wanted to bury the truth, keep their shady deals hidden, and continue profiting from the suffering of others.

So here I am, an anti-work advocate, using my experiences to shed light on the real monsters in our society: the corporations that exploit and discard workers without a second thought. I survived space horrors only to face the horrors of corporate greed. But I won't back down. I won't let their intimidation tactics silence me.

Remember, it's not just the Xenomorphs we should fear – it's the corporate overlords who value profit over human lives. Let's fight for a world where we're not just tools for their profit margins, but individuals with dignity and agency.

Stay strong, fellow fighters against the capitalist machine.

Ellen Ripley

P.S. I'm now r/overemployed as an exterminator (J1) and a consultant (J2) to to the USCM and pulling $400k/yr. Looking for a J3 now. Any suggestions?

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