
I left a job I love during a mental breakdown and I can’t get over it

Two years ago I went through the biggest mental breakdown of my life. I had a wonderful job doing what I’m passionate about. I worked for a non-profit as a social worker who managed an entire homeless shelter of 60 unhoused individuals. I was giving back to my community, clients loved me, I felt like I was making a difference, I genuinely helped people, and I was loved and respected at this job. Not to mention, it was the best salary I’ve ever had to date. After a string of traumatic events, I spiraled and went in to a deep depression and I quit and never came back (never even completing my 2 weeks). To this day I can’t fathom why I made this decision. I am so angry at myself for it. It hurts every time this subject is brought up. I miss it and I miss who I…

Two years ago I went through the biggest mental breakdown of my life. I had a wonderful job doing what I’m passionate about. I worked for a non-profit as a social worker who managed an entire homeless shelter of 60 unhoused individuals. I was giving back to my community, clients loved me, I felt like I was making a difference, I genuinely helped people, and I was loved and respected at this job. Not to mention, it was the best salary I’ve ever had to date. After a string of traumatic events, I spiraled and went in to a deep depression and I quit and never came back (never even completing my 2 weeks). To this day I can’t fathom why I made this decision. I am so angry at myself for it. It hurts every time this subject is brought up. I miss it and I miss who I was when I was doing it. Since then I’ve gotten a new job in the same field, I’ve come out of the depression, and things are going semi-well. I just can’t stop thinking about this and the horrible choices that lead me to make such a crucial decision. I need help to get over this. Can anyone offer any kind words of support?

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