
Is it going to get better?

I started a new job in marketing in May. It started off pretty well, but of course, that was the honeymoon phase. Fast forward 2-3 months later and I am feeling awful. We're bombarded with so much work. We're in the process of launching a new website, revamping our internal and public-facing documents, all on top of our normal job duties. Plus, on top of that, there's always unexpected fires to put out (not literal fires I'm not a firefighter lol), or requests that happen. But, my manager keeps piling more, and more work on me. Doesn't check emails. I'll be asked a question about something I had emailed them about a few weeks ago, and they obviously didn't read my email response that answered that question. I also had an unpleasant experience working on an email for someone in another department. They were sending me snippy emails because they…

I started a new job in marketing in May. It started off pretty well, but of course, that was the honeymoon phase.

Fast forward 2-3 months later and I am feeling awful. We're bombarded with so much work. We're in the process of launching a new website, revamping our internal and public-facing documents, all on top of our normal job duties.

Plus, on top of that, there's always unexpected fires to put out (not literal fires I'm not a firefighter lol), or requests that happen. But, my manager keeps piling more, and more work on me. Doesn't check emails. I'll be asked a question about something I had emailed them about a few weeks ago, and they obviously didn't read my email response that answered that question. I also had an unpleasant experience working on an email for someone in another department. They were sending me snippy emails because they were unhappy I wasn't providing any updates on their email (the reason was because my manager told me NOT to work on it and prioritize our new website and documents).

Today I broke down crying twice because it got to be way too much. I had several fires to put out, an impromptu video call and was slightly chewed out by someone because I hadn't included them in the email list for one of the emails we sent out to our customers (it was something I overlooked because of overwhelm). Plus, I was told ANOTHER project needed to take priority.

My manager keeps insisting it isn't ALWAYS crazy. But… I'm starting to get a slightly icky feeling because there have been a lot of people putting in their two weeks notice and restructuring as well.

I'm at a bit of a loss because it pays ok, and the benefits are great. But, I'm feeling stressed, burned out and don't have any joy in my work.

Got to the point where I just stopped at 5:30, played Billie Eilish's “What Was I Made For” while crying and had a tiny existential crisis. I still have a ton of projects that are piled up, but I needed to step away, cry and spend time with my boyfriend (he was away for work for a few days and came home tonight). I'll probably pop back in and just pound through the projects to TRY to catch up.

Anyways, thank you for reading all that. If anyone has advice or can provide insight if they faced something similar, would love to hear it.

TLDR: Started new job in May with good pay and benefits. It's gotten frantically busy with lots of projects to the point of overwhelm. People leaving the company en masse. Manager insists the craziness is temporary. Not sure what to think but crying a lot.

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