
It’s official, I’m quiet quitting today!!

I've been in my current call centre job for over a year now. Although it is no where near as bad as most call centres, I still don't recommend this job if you value your mental health. I had recently applied to a lead role which would have allowed me to spend less time on the phones. Unfortunately, I didn't get it but my boss was very unprofessional about the whole situation – I won't get into specifics because I don't want to doxx myself. What I will say is that my boss tried to illicit an emotional response out of me when they already knew I was struggling with depression and anxiety DUE to my job. Luckily, I was strong enough NOT to give them the emotional response they wanted from me. With that being said, now that I know I'm not going to get promoted, there's absolutely zero…

I've been in my current call centre job for over a year now. Although it is no where near as bad as most call centres, I still don't recommend this job if you value your mental health.

I had recently applied to a lead role which would have allowed me to spend less time on the phones. Unfortunately, I didn't get it but my boss was very unprofessional about the whole situation – I won't get into specifics because I don't want to doxx myself.

What I will say is that my boss tried to illicit an emotional response out of me when they already knew I was struggling with depression and anxiety DUE to my job.
Luckily, I was strong enough NOT to give them the emotional response they wanted from me.

With that being said, now that I know I'm not going to get promoted, there's absolutely zero incentive for me to preform at a high level therefore I'm quiet quitting!! My bosses gave me several responsibilities outside of my job description that a Lead would perform – I will be relinquishing these responsibilities today – the new Lead or someone whose life isn't falling apart can handle these responsibilities.

Additionally, I'll be starting to fill out some new job applications and hopefully quit since my current role makes me suicidal almost every single day.

It was nice (insert company name). I'll see you all in hell!

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