
My Bitch Boss is out of control

I haven’t been happy at my job for a while now. Our relationship changed at work after I disclosed to them that I was going through the process of becoming a state trooper anyway recently they told me to come back into the office there’s a process that we run where we run an application and it prints, paper material then we take that material to our warehouse, so when I came back, one of the other employees just asked me to run the application and she would just naturally grab the papers that printed out and bring them back because she was always working in the warehouse so yesterday my bitch boss hears that I am running the application And she’s bringing the papers back and thinks that I’m like being lazy or something so she says to me “you have 2 feet what’s wrong with your 2 feet…

I haven’t been happy at my job for a while now. Our relationship changed at work after I disclosed to them that I was going through the process of becoming a state trooper anyway recently they told me to come back into the office there’s a process that we run where we run an application and it prints, paper material then we take that material to our warehouse, so when I came back, one of the other employees just asked me to run the application and she would just naturally grab the papers that printed out and bring them back because she was always working in the warehouse so yesterday my bitch boss hears that I am running the application And she’s bringing the papers back and thinks that I’m like being lazy or something so she says to me “you have 2 feet what’s wrong with your 2 feet you can print the material and bring it back. Don’t involve her.“ She also yells at me constantly about stuff that is not something that she does, that she typically got upset about in the past, I believe they’re trying to push me out the door here but I’m not going to give them the satisfaction of of quitting they’re going to have to fire me just for some context they’ve went through about six other people in my department since coming here and every single person that I’ve spoke with that has worked with them, and has no longer worked here has stated that they are literally out of their minds and have no business managing people.

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