
My son wasn’t paid for his summer job

My 16-yr old got a 6-week job at an AmeriCorps summer program. It paid less than minimum wage (non-profits often do the “it’s a stipend/volunteer position”) and just offer a flat rate. He was to get a check for $500 on the last day of the program (he could work 3 days a week, not 5-days a week for $750). TLDR: he didn’t get paid. The program director didn’t have checks the last day and we emailed our mailing address to her. She said she would send a check the next day. 3 weeks later we are still waiting. Her phone number wasn’t working. Emails to her bounced back… So I went on the website and emailed the head of the non-profit. She finally wrote back the next day and they promise a check for $750 (the original offer if he worked 5 days a week, which he couldn’t do)…

My 16-yr old got a 6-week job at an AmeriCorps summer program. It paid less than minimum wage (non-profits often do the “it’s a stipend/volunteer position”) and just offer a flat rate. He was to get a check for $500 on the last day of the program (he could work 3 days a week, not 5-days a week for $750).

TLDR: he didn’t get paid.

The program director didn’t have checks the last day and we emailed our mailing address to her. She said she would send a check the next day. 3 weeks later we are still waiting. Her phone number wasn’t working. Emails to her bounced back…

So I went on the website and emailed the head of the non-profit. She finally wrote back the next day and they promise a check for $750 (the original offer if he worked 5 days a week, which he couldn’t do) … AITA for not correcting her and saying he is only owed $500?

I’ve seen this bad behavior in non-profits before: they pay very little, then drag their feet. It’s so frustrating because I think AmeriCorps is a great organization, they provide good services and training. I’m glad my teen can list this job on his resume. He liked the work. But now he is soured towards this kind of program and feels cheated.

I just hope the check arrives next week as promised so I don’t have to go to their offices and cause a scene. But I will.

Sad that my kid is learning about wage theft at such an early age.

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